Thursday, March 7, 2013

Clarence in flood

Recently we got lots of rain and were flooded in and we couldn't get in to Copmanhurst to go to the little shop. The water was higher than we have ever seen it and it was awesome. 

We  like a nice flood, our house never goes under but one of our neighbors homes that never goes under actually flooded up to the rafters this time.

 Its amazing how high it is this time and our poodle liked it because all the dog owners walked past our house and that's nice and cute.

.We had water all around us it was nice because you can walk out of the door and see water everywhere. The water was covered  in spiders and insects, I had to save some Grasshoppers from the spiders because they were being eaten and we just couldn't have that so I saved them.
We set up  a rain gauge that I got for Christmas and it got 134 mills in less than 24 hours.

 The river rose faster than ever before here and also at Lilydale.
 THE MIGHTY MIGHTY Clarence river
 flooded over Lilydale bridge and Rogans bridge.

 Grafton had areas that were being evacuated , areas behind the levee bank that are normally safe, but because the first flood was rising so fast and moving so quickly  the authorities wanted people to safe

We have actually had three floods now in five weeks the 2nd and 3rd were much smaller than the 1st but the 3rd was really just localized flooding water running off from the paddocks plus all the dams creeks and reservoirs were full because their was much water around.


  1. Excellent post Mr Sageo. Did you take the pictures?
    It all looks very wet and soggy up your way but you still manage to have fun. I'm so glad you saved the grasshoppers.
