Sunday, September 7, 2014

How Archaeology Works


It’s that thing you always hear about on the radio and see on the screen but what is it really?

 Easy- you may be saying. It’s where young men brave the wild and find huge treasures right? 

Well no, it’s not that easy.

 First there is the step of understanding what you want to find because you can’t just go in and hope to find something. 

You also need money without funding there would be no archaeology on the screens or in real life For instance Howard Carter thought he knew where King Tutankhamun’s tomb was but didn't have the funds so he got a rich Englishman to fund his work. Years went by with nothing significant found and Carter had to keep going back to Lord Carnarvon seeking more funding and at times he had to beg for financial support to keep following his dreams. There were a couple of times when Lord Carnarvon said it had to stop, no more funding but Carter persuaded him and eventually he did find the tomb.

Another important part is research, after you know what you want to look for you need to hit the books, find out where you have the best chance of finding it.

Once you have decided on the area you want to work, you need to survey it to find out where it could be and how best to get at it.

If you are lucky and well prepared after possibly 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months or even 10 years or more there’s The Find the discovery moment where you may get a nice amount of money for your find or you may keep it sometimes you have to go 50/50 with the man/woman who funded your dig. 

Interesting things about Chooks

Cinnamon Queen.

#1.The cinnamon queen lay large brown eggs and lay regularly.

#2.They lay 230-340 eggs per year.

#3.They are cuddliest chicken breed.

#4.They lay at an earlier age than most other chickens.

#5.The hens are a reddish brown color.

#6.The males are white.

#7.They were developed to meet the needs of modern farmers.

#8.They can be raised for meat as they have bulky body's.

#9.Their scientific name is Gallus gallus domesticus

#10.Life span 10-20 years.

Plymouth Rock.

#1. They are very noisy as they coo,cluck,gurgle,chirp and some other noises.

#2.They are good layers .

#3.They smell the same as their surroundings.

#4.They are american chickens but can be bought in Australia.

#5.They are excellent scratchers also.

#6.They are ideal for city or suburban areas.

#7.Got an earth worm problem? they will fix it.

#8.You can order the chicks in the mail.

#9.For the first week they should be kept at 90 f degrees

#10.they are good pets

Black Australorp.#1.They look very nice.

#2.They are pretty good layers.

#3.They are good in the Garden.

#4.They are good pets.

#5.They are good hardy chickens.

#6.They are good meat meat birds.

#7.A new record was set when a hen laid 364 eggs in 365 days.

#8.They were being used in the 1920's.

#9.In 1920 the breed was admitted to standard breed of perfection.

#10.They were developed as a utility breed.

The Buff Orpington chicken have deep broad body with a good back curve.

The chook was created in 1894 by William Cook.

The male weighs 4.55-5.55 kgs.

The female weighs 3.60-5.55 kgs.

the birds under 12 months will be lighter.

Sydney Homeschooling Adventure, days on the harbour


Lorikeets are smaller than lories and have a long pointed tail.

 Their body color is generally green blue and red.

Lories are larger and heavier bodied, have a short tail
and body color is generally red with spots of yellow and purple.

Lories and lorikeets need a clean, warm, mentally stimulating environment.
 A wrought iron cage parrot cage, free of rust and chips is the best home for a pet lorikeet or lory.

Since these birds can be extremely  messy with their droppings - often "Shooting" them out behind them  - it is highly recommended to keep them on a solid wall.

Your parrots cage should be checked every day for rust, dirt and old/mouldy food.

You will need to clean out your lorikeets cage daily. remove any uneaten food.