Sunday, September 7, 2014

Interesting things about Chooks

Cinnamon Queen.

#1.The cinnamon queen lay large brown eggs and lay regularly.

#2.They lay 230-340 eggs per year.

#3.They are cuddliest chicken breed.

#4.They lay at an earlier age than most other chickens.

#5.The hens are a reddish brown color.

#6.The males are white.

#7.They were developed to meet the needs of modern farmers.

#8.They can be raised for meat as they have bulky body's.

#9.Their scientific name is Gallus gallus domesticus

#10.Life span 10-20 years.

Plymouth Rock.

#1. They are very noisy as they coo,cluck,gurgle,chirp and some other noises.

#2.They are good layers .

#3.They smell the same as their surroundings.

#4.They are american chickens but can be bought in Australia.

#5.They are excellent scratchers also.

#6.They are ideal for city or suburban areas.

#7.Got an earth worm problem? they will fix it.

#8.You can order the chicks in the mail.

#9.For the first week they should be kept at 90 f degrees

#10.they are good pets

Black Australorp.#1.They look very nice.

#2.They are pretty good layers.

#3.They are good in the Garden.

#4.They are good pets.

#5.They are good hardy chickens.

#6.They are good meat meat birds.

#7.A new record was set when a hen laid 364 eggs in 365 days.

#8.They were being used in the 1920's.

#9.In 1920 the breed was admitted to standard breed of perfection.

#10.They were developed as a utility breed.

The Buff Orpington chicken have deep broad body with a good back curve.

The chook was created in 1894 by William Cook.

The male weighs 4.55-5.55 kgs.

The female weighs 3.60-5.55 kgs.

the birds under 12 months will be lighter.

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