Sunday, November 18, 2012

We have two Homes

We came Home recently.

Our family home is on the north coast where my brother & I grew up
On the mighty mighty Clarence river, our home is between 2 huge and old old fig trees.

It is where the trees are full of lorikeets,the air is full of green tree frogs calling each other and the night skies are full of bats and owls and moths and stars.

It is where we have climber trees to feast on mulberries,

 grown huge patches of corn and just reached in to pick a cob and munch it in the garden, actually I eat lots of things in our garden like fennel and mint, snowpeas and strawberries,carrots and macadamia nuts.

It is home.

Our dad has got a job in the  Pillaga though,so we have been living out there, but really mum,my brother and I all rather it here. Our doberman and our cat are still in the Pillaga with my dad, so he does not get too lonely and we will visit him and he will visit us, that house out there with daddy is still our home though we just have 2 homes now and live in them both.

Home on the north coast it is just better!
 There's more wildlife here and we've got friends here to which is even better and we have Fig trees, and gum trees here that were around before captain cook came here!!

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